
Friday, September 07, 2007

The NEW Larry Splotter!

That title was dumb. Anyways, man, got all sucked into the Neil Gaimen novel American Gods! SO GOOD! You know, obviously I've read Sandman a few times and loved it, but I never really gave his novels a try. I think I glanced through one called Good Omens at a bookstore, and (co-written by Terry Pratchett) it just didn't do it for me - I think its a "comedy" and whenever I tried it, I wasn't lookin for that kinda book. But after re-reading Sandman, then seeing and enjoying Stardust, I d/l'd the .lit versions of all his books, wanting to read Stardust. Started it up, then realized I'd JUST seen the movie, so was kinda "meh" about hearing the same story (although apparently the book has some kinda depressing ending, unlike the movie) so then I finally got around to trying American Gods. THAT SHIT ROCKS! So good. I've been jamming through it all week. When I finish it I'll prolly re-read Foundation (checked it out but havent read it yet) then I'll read more Gaimen. He's fuckin rad dudes. And, oh man, there's a special CAMEO in American Gods from one of his other characters - won't give a spoiler, and its SUPER subtle, but still, i was all stoaked when I read it. Go Shadow, it's your birfday!

P the FUCK S: All the sudden last couple weeks I been a fucking SWEATHOG! This shit sucks! I dunno, yeah we had a gnarly heatwave last couple of weeks, but I'm sitting at my desk at work and its seriously like 60 degrees in the office... and my underarms is all moist!! WAHT DOES THAT MEAN!? You think I gotta change my anti-perspirant!?!!? Stressing me out... (and can stess make you sweat? i been hella stressed lately...)