
Monday, December 03, 2007

Work Gym

Kinda neat, i was talking to this guy at work about inadequate gym facilities around the area, so him being a gym rat as well, we decided were going to try to make our own workplace gym in the factory! We'll all be pitching in, he's going to bring his dumbell sets and I'm going to buy the bench press bar, then we'll weld some makeshift benches. Cool thing is it'll be indoors and next to my dorm! I'm excited cuz it actually has an reasonable chance of working out. Hopefully other people will start chipping in by bringing their excess home equipment, then it might actually turn out to be a pretty cool workplace gym.

Work has been hazardous lately. We have an ISO audit in 10 days and during an internal audit my department had 2 deviations and several observations. So I have to correct those asap. Then it's that time of year where all the bidding begins with our customer, so lots of quoting for 2008.

Got cable recently, so have been watching an insane amount of BoobTube. Saw some Chris Angel stuff, and we get mostly reruns that aired in the states a while back, so i'm still getting references to Chris Rocks latest movies. But Chris Angel mindfreak show is pretty cool magic show but the thing is when the whole "magic gets revealed", magic really loses it's luster. Most of the easy tricks can be solved and even the more high-powered copperfield stuff is just a bunch of elaborate and expensive smoke and mirrors.