
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Winter is Coming

- My pace has slowed reading Storm of Swords due to other duties, etc. On page 270 or so, so it is just starting to get good. Not that it wasn't good before, but some interesting twists are happening so I might catch the reading bug again soon.

- We went to a Christmas tree farm this year, my first ever, and it was a pretty neat experience. Definitely a change from buying a tree off the Target lot, and a better quality tree to boot! The farm had 160 acres of trees, which is all he grows, and you take a cart and a saw and go tree huntin! You are supposed to cut the tree off with above the first layer of branches so another will grow in it's place years down the road. It was fun and for those of you who like xmas, I would highly recommend trying it some time. Not sure how many farms there are in LA, but if you all moved to NorCal....

- The surf has been EPIC here. Peeling, glassy, big. I was watching some kids take off on monster, probably 8ft, heavy water waves totally without fear. It was exciting. Also, the surf was so heavy this past week that most of the beach has washed away, which is crazy because normally the surf breaks pretty near shore and is usually well formed, but small, so no much happens with regards to sand shifting. But man, there are telephone poles, driftwood, tree stumps, and seaweed all the way up to what would be the equivalent of the Strand in LA. Awesome.

- Played Starcraft the Boardgame with the SC Panzerspielgruppe last week and had a good time. We had 6 players, 2 with chronic analysis paralysis, so we only finished 2 turns before calling it, but I saw a whole other side to the game and experienced quite a new variety of event cards, tactics, etc. MAYBE we will get together on Sunday (today) for another game, and failing that, probably wednesday. I will report back my findings to the two people on the Action Team that care.

- I am shocked at myself, but am now a total believer in the woolly, fur-lined Crocs shoes. I know. I hate the hell out of normal Crocs, and their colors are repulsive, not to mention their overall look, but these things are about the sweetest pair of functional shoes I have ever owned. Unfailing arch support, warm, light, comfortable. It's ridiculous how moving to NorCal has changed my needs for clothing, as well as what I am willing to wear based on function.

- Anyone done any significant sports betting here? I got this fine 'newsletter' from betus.com, which is a sportsbook run in Costa Rica where Americans can actually make bets online. It looks fun, and was wondering if anyone has really dabbled much in it. I'm looking at you Art and Johnny.

- Quick and late response to Johnny's question of "How do you have time to read or play games?" Answer: Don't get hung up on making or spending time at a gym in or out of work, rather spend it reading and playing games!

- So when is the LA to SF Holiday Roadtrip 2007 happening? It's been awhile since we have seen or heard of the likes of Rudy, Ryan, and Denis. Do it! Stay at my place! DO IT!

- This made me smile, and I know it is a few years old, but I couldn't get past thinking about it as I sit and play Assassin's Creed. Yes I bought it, yes it is neat I suppose, yes I am bored with the repetitive gameplay encapsulated by stunning graphics. Good old Greg Costikyian (creator of Paranoia!).

- Humorous snippet from the Fortress: Ameritrash blog: It is really weird when you hit that "collecting plateu"...you sort of 'shut the door' so to speak and really take inventory of what you've gotten yourself into. Then you open your War of the Ring, pour plastic figures all over you, get drunk on cheap rum and then start calling all of your ex-girlfriends in alphabetical order, telling them how you'd like some of their "Lembas Bread".