
Sunday, December 09, 2007

- My family went and got a tree from a farm one time. Some of you may not know my step-dad, but it truly was an adventure. He was a little more of a trooper back then- a little less curmudgeonly, but still... . I remember four things about that year's tree: 1) Every morning my mom had to collect every ornament that fell off the tree the night before. The tree's branches were too limp to sustain most of the ornaments that we had. 2) The tree fell over at least 4 times over the three weeks that we had it. I have never heard my mom say "fuck" more times in the span of three weeks. 3) My mom declaring at the top of her lungs, upon the last "tiiimmmberrrrr" of the tree, that, "this is the last fucking time we'll ever do this!" while I had to leave the room to contain my laughter. 4) At the tree farm, it was the first time I had ever seen two dogs fucking in real life. I don't know why I remember that in particular. Maybe it was scarring?

- The waves were super-huge here too. Even with the lifeguard stands pulled back from the shore, the water was still washing up past them. They were easily 10-12 foot faces. There wasn't anyone surfing in Torrance where I was watching, but I heard that PV had perfect peeling waves off the point and guys were out there... some pros too!

- I'm leaving for Hawaii on the 21st to spend Christmas there until the 28th. Heather and I are planning to carpool up sometime in February to visit during a three day weekend. The drive will be less brutal with more than just me. Not quite sure about the exact time or weekend, but that is the plan. We'll hammer out the deets later, but I'm sure if Rudy or Dennis want to come, for a small gas fee, we can squeeze you in the 4-Runner.

- Mrs. McCallister stole Brandi and Tate on Thanksgiving and didn't invite my mom, my step-dad or me because she is bitter that they are coming to Hawaii during Christmas. To me, all of the extra bullshit does not seem to outweigh the "joys" of marriage and fuck her anyway. Your glasses are on your head dummy!

- Blood Bowl? FTW?