
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Greetings from my working hell! As usual, I find myself on a project that just will not die. Or rather, we think it's about ready to go, and then once every couple days, this particularly ugly little bug pops up its head like a gopher, and we just. can't. find it. And we have to make a very monetarily costly choice on whether to ship this thing to manufacturing in the next few days, or wait until January.


Anyway, a question for you NorCal peoplez. I'm losing it without some kind of regular gaming thing these days. The occasional gaming get-togethers are nice, but they don't really scratch the itch in the way that getting together consistently for Warmachine every week or two was. A couple of ideas:

1. Necromunda? I've been looking over the free updated rules )(here). This game was always pretty much hella/hecka fun, a campaign would be fun to play, we already have tons of terrain, and you can get a gang for about $30 if you order it from the war store.

2. Role-playing? This could be harder to organize, but I would be more than happy to run an extended role-playing session once a month or so. Probably either my old favorite, but rarely run game, Earthdawn, or D&D flavored Savage Worlds.
