
Monday, November 12, 2007

OMG, a battery?!?!?

Sheesh. These tech nerd have no limits. I mean, okay, exploiting unpatched versions of games to allow for emu's is fine. Even people writing their own firmware, supar techie, but still fine. Using a fucking BATTERY as an exploit to get around Sorny control of their PSP's?!?!?! These guys are double bacon genius burgers, fo sho.

- To Mike, and anyone else who wants to play around with ASL online, or other Vassal modules, go here and follow the instructions. Then after installing, get skype or some other chat tool (the phone works too) and hit me up so I can walk you through getting it up and running. Then, we play! There is no ASL rulebook online, so you will either need to believe all the shit I lie about while I 'teach' you the game (just ask Rudy), or pick up a copy of Advanced Squad Leader Starter Kit #1, 2, or 3. Get em here!

- Ryan and I, aka the two worst coaches in fantasy hockey, are facing off this week. As are two of the not so greatest coaches, Johnny and Enron. Let's see here, last week I went 0 - 8 - 1, and I think the week before I went 0-9, so as my favorite singer of all time, Howard Jones, sang, "Things can only get better". We shall see my pop singing friend, we shall see.

- I REALLY want to get back into Warmaster. I dug up my remaining units (one unit of halberdiers, xbows, knights, and a hero) as well as a bunch of unopened blisters and the rulebook (including 2002 and 2003 annuals!) and really want to play it again! I loved that game and was sad to see it go so soon before I ever beat Enron and his stupid 4 hit dwarfs... So, is anyone with me? *tumbleweeds* Anyone still have their army kicking around and want to give it a go, and maybe even pick up some new units which are still available on GW.com as well as ebay? *crickets* Warmaster armies LOOK SO COOL and the system rawks!

- So Art (I think, my memory fails me) had these dwarfs for Warhammer that he painted in rather bright, diverse colors that became known as the Rainbow Squad. He took some shit, especially from JP, about them and I don't think ever played with them out of shame. Fast forward to 1999, and George RR Martin steals the idea from Art and puts it right into his brand new book, Clash of Kings, as the Rainbow Guard! I think you should sue, Art.

- FUMBBL anyone? Wanna start that up again?

- WoW anyone? Doc Norvell dropped leatherworking and is now a lvl 189 Miner and 200 Engineer, and is currently trying to mine enough Mithril to get his membership with the Gnome Engineers Guild. Good times.

- I also found my D&D minis, so Enron if you find your dwarfs and play me, I will in turn play you with my old school D&D warbands. Not before. Do it! Can I use my Gargantuan Black Dragon that Denis gave me?

- Thanks Jon and Janice for letting me sleep on your floor! i woke up at 6.30 and hit the road. I also Upper Decked both your toilets before I left. Fortunately you don't need to manually pull the chain in the tank anymore, otherwise you would have to scoop my poop out. Instead, you can just leave it there for the next tenants whenever you move.

- When are you moving up here Ryan? The surf out front has been gangbusters for bodysurfing! Also, James is moving back before June, and Mark Sterner lives I think across the blvd from me in Aptos. Go figure.