
Sunday, November 25, 2007


- Here is a little flash version of the game (without the expansion). It is totally fun, but on my crapola monitor it is a little dark, so often times I run right up to an alien and get torn apart cause I couldn't see 'em... perhaps a little TOO realistic? Good stuff.

- Song of Fire and Ice Update: I have finished Clash of Kings and am 57 (of 1130, or so) pages into Storm of Swords! Wish me luck! It is some of the best stuff I have ever read! Awesome!

- I d/l'ed the demo of Skate., and it was fun, though a little exact. I am still contemplating picking it up at some point and using BioShock as a credit. I just can't devote the time required to play long games that have a learning curve anymore so BiShock was awesome for the three nights I played it in a row, and now after taking a break it is hard to get back into. Guitar Hero/Rock Band/Wow are my cuppa teas - I can play for 10 minutes, get my fix, and not really forget how to play between sessions. As much as I want Assassin's Creed, I think it would be a waste of money. Skate., on the otherhand seems perfect.

- The Goonsquad videos for Skate were hilarious and at the same time boring. The slams and clipping errors were really funny, but the 'check my awesome line' vids were boring. I was thinking if it were really a skater doing those lines, then yes I would be impressed, but it is a video mans doing the 'tricks'... ho, hum.

- Combat Commander: Mediterranean and Paratroop Pack #1 came in the mail a few days ago. They are all clipped and ready to be played (solo) for all of you that care! So much good CC stuff now! 25 maps! Wheeee!!!!

- The F.A.R.T video Art posted was absolutely hilarious. I highly recommend you click it, fools.

- After hearing about the repulsive/steal any niggling amount of belief in childhood and humanity BME Pain Olympics videos, I decided to dig a bit deeper and find out what I could about this horrendous 'event'. Not a lot of info about it, but what I did find was the BME website, which I WILL NOT LINK TO HERE, and did a quick scan of the BME encyclopedia and apparently it is basically an extreme body modification gig. Some terrible stuff people do to themselves is talked about, photoed, and explained. I used my hand to cover up the images while I read about the few topics I could bring myself to click on, and just don't recommend you go there. Ever. Not for any reason. Please. Just don't do it. No, this is not reverse psychology. Just don't do it. Simply acknowledge that the world is messed up, people are messed up, and leave it at that.

- I feel like crying a little bit now.