
Saturday, October 20, 2007


We are now two shy of 5000 posts on the ActionTeam.org.asm. Crazy shit.

jA -El, I have to say that is an impressive amount of pr0n in one day. But of more concern I think is the terrorism bit. How close was that incident to where you reside. I think if it is near you at all, you should just avoid any and all dice. Especially two siders since your roll a 1 chances are so high.

jr0n, is that wine cube shit? I see it at Target all the time and all I can think of is how foul Franzia is. Anyway, yeah the plot line on HL2 is not nearly as good as the first. Then again that is a tall order to live up to. HL was brilliant. I do have to say that the Physics engine in HL2 is great. I kind of like the boat biz; however, it is way too long. I totally agree on the AI. There was all this buzz before HL2 came out about how great the AI would be, but it wasn't that great. Good AI is a bitch to code. Did you buy the Orange box? I broke down and bought a new video card. The previous one failed and the replacement one I had was so damn slow even in 2D mode I couldn't handle it. So I plunked down on a good mid-range card and damn, some of my games are way more playable that were marginal before.

pump: A$$ Killah666! Shit that was me. Are you writing a bio on me? E|f FuX0r69?

eLzar the Gozarian: Boo Kings. Although they did win two in the last three. I assume this is just going to be another depressing season in which they will be second to last almost all season long, and then, at the very last minute, they will win enough games to make it to 6th or 7th from last to muss up at least the prospect of a great draft pick. They can not even lose good enough.

I still have not come up with a good modeling plan for you. I have not been really inspired in that arena lately. By the time I finally have time to myself at home over the past month, I have been just beat. All I want to do is veg out at that point.

Rude: You know I do the same shit with video games. I don't buy many, although my desire to play video games has decreased dramatically in the past couple of years. I just get turned of by the $40-60 price tag.
