
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Art will like this: So I went and bought Oblivion today. Yeah, a little late, but I've been re-reading the first Ice and Fire book: Game of Thrones, and got an itch for some fantasy gaming. I'm surprised, it actually runs completely fine on my machine at High Quality settings. Maybe it's kind of old already? I did get a decent gfx card maybe 6 months ago, maybe thats it. On the other hand, I tried the Unreal Tourney 3 demo, and it "ran" smooth and fine, but it dialed down the graphics SO much, seriously looked like the original Wolf 3D with these horrible blocky textures. WOW, looked bad. BUT, the fps were really high, so I guess it'll scale to just about any machine.

Anyways, I just played a pretty marathon session of Oblivion. Not completely sold on it yet, but it seems pretty interesting. Not really feelings the indoor look and feel (dungeons and main city I've seen so far) but the outdoor stuff looks pretty great - real nice long view. Mostly just dicked around in town. Next time I play I'll try getting back on the main storyline to see how stuff feels.

Man, that upcoming 360 game Assasin's Creed looks friggen RAD! Oh man, that's almost incentive to buy one of those monsters. But then, that'd be like payin 400 bucks for one game. Nothing else looked that interesting to me (on pretty much any console to be honest.) Wish I hadn't just bought HL2 a couple months back, cause I would have definately gone for the orange box. Now I'm like, not gonna spend that money just for TF2 and Portal. Not really interested in the other HL episodes. NEver finished the original game. It was good, but I just lost interest I think somewhere on the highway 17 lvl. The flash game based on Portal though is pretty fun! They did a great job doing a 2-D version. Looks like itd be a good cell phone game. CLICK