
Friday, September 21, 2007

Bummer about the bar girl jael. Wait, I thought over there, "bar girls" were like the prosties at those hooker bars they have near the army bases!? Did you get turned down by a prostitute man!???! TAKE THAT! I'm going into Phoenix Wright overdose, been playing tons of the first game. On 4th outta 5 cases. Good times.

I applied to get a transfer to the SID unit at work. Scientific Investigation Division (so like CSI basically.) I would still be a fuckin clerk, but might be more interesting water-cooler talk. Here's a cool clip from a documentary about real-life CSI types: Ewww BLOOD! Little gross - I think if I did a job like this (or talkin to some crime scene photogs, THOSE dudes are like "urghhh") I'd go nuts.