
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Superbad Is Super Bad... At Not Being Hilarious!

Agree with Ryan. Superbad is fucking hilarious! I especially liked the part when Batman punched the Joker into the applesauce. Oh wait, wrong movie. Anyway, even despite the presence of the Joker, Batman, or applesauce, it is well worth your precious dollars and the risk of sitting near switchblade-wielding Negroes.

So you guys remember that game we had lots of fun playing at SoCal Gencon last year? Savage Worlds? Well, they just put out the new edition of the rulebook. It is digest-sized, has better art and production values than the previous editions, and best of all costs only $10! Everybody should buy it and we should role-play every day. I will use it to run a pirate campaign, Aeryk will use it to run a Cthulhu campaign, Myke will run the greatest campaign about digging for pottery sherds ever made. Enron's will be about Blackberry call support lines, and his cock being hilch. Ja-el's will be the continuation of the GI Joe orgy campaign, and all characters will certainly all have 12-inch inseams. Rdubs' is about punk drummers who excel at hockey and baseball, and Art's... I don't know Art's RPG tastes... masturbating while punching orcas or something? I think he said he liked that one time? Or being married.

Anyway it's gonna be awesome.

Oh yeah and Rudy will run a fusion of that Chill adventure in the carnival with Buck Rogers. And hookers.