
Friday, August 24, 2007

Just remember Enron, it's all material. Material for the Savage Worlds campaign you're gonna run. Just wait 'til you see how many things my characters sticks to his chest with butter. It's gonna fuckin' rock.

Sorry about your ticket Rude. That is hellishly expensive. One piece of advice: try stopping at the intersections maybe? Wait a minute, now that you're a cop aren't you supposed to be able to get out of these kinds of things? ftw mate

The worst ticket I ever got was a $280 ticket for not "stopping" when I saw a schoolbus with flashing red lights. I put that in quotes because what I in fact did was, as soon as I saw the bus, pulled over. Apparently that's not good enough. Nope, you should stop right away.

Anyway that was back in the '90s when $280 was worth like $10,000 or something. Fuck, I was so rich back then and I didn't even know it!