
Monday, August 06, 2007

Greetings from Earth!

Hello everyone. I hope that you have all had a great summer. The project in Pompeii was quite successful this summer and we got a lot of useful work done. (I could quote the stats but it won't mean anything to anyone but me.) At the moment I'm not quite back to SF yet, but will be soon. Sorry I didn't get time to get on the Internet whilst I was away - it was a very busy time. Now I'm getting ready to drive across the country and will be back in about a week's time.

Recent highlight of my recent travel experiences was in Heathrow where I was 'randomly selected' for a special type of screening at security. This was a side scanning X-ray which involved me standing in front of a box striking three very strange poses while X-rays were shot through me. Before agreeing to this, I was given the option of a pat-down search instead. Wanting to see the new technology, I said I was happy to do the X-ray thingy. Afterwards, I was guided to the regular scan, where, even though I did not set off the device, and had already had this extra scan, I was patted down by the roughest officer ever. He even slapped his hand across by genitals! WTF?

More reports as events merit.