
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Aptos, or The City With No Police

So, it has been a little rough around the edges, this whole move thing, but by and large things are going pretty well. Highlights of the past week or so:

- The movers getting stuck in the weigh station and being detained by the CHiPs because the truck had some damage that needed to be fixed, which meant they got here a day late, which was kinda lame.

- By the time they did arrive, and we had been living a spartan existence, we sort of wanted the moving van to explode and take all our crap with it so we could start over. That didn't happen and now I have a two car garage filled with absolute junk upon junk. Though some pretty cool game stuff.

- Aptos has delicious food!

- Ryan came up on friday and stayed til sunday and we partied hearty.

- My computer is finally setup.

- Stay as far away from DirecTV as possible as they are lying sacks of shit. I am trying to get out of my contract before my first month based on 'misinformation' and being 'misled' (their words over the phone) during the signup process. Long story. Bottom line: stay the F away!

- Shopping for more than groceries, restaurants, and Taco Bell is predicated on getting into the car and getting on the 1, mostly. This equates to a 10 - 15 minute drive up to Santa Cruz proper or surrounding areas. Translated into Aptos vs. Manhattan Beach terms: I can get to most things around here in the same amount of time it takes to drive to Target from the Elm house! And we save on gas mileage because mostly we drive hwy miles now! I love it! Oh yeah, the 'bad' time for traffic around here is from like 430 to 530, and thats it. Not from 300 to 800 like on Sepulveda.

- Awesome!