
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Why are women bad judges of distance?

Because they were always told that " ==========" this was 6 inches.

har har har! wokka

Been doing good nutzecles. Just working my ass off mainly, in fact i'm typing this on a sunday at work. We're putting some overtime to count inventory for the sample room. (hasn't been done in at least 5 years) It's a huge mess, and actually we hardly dented the task. I think we'll have to come in at least 1 more time.

( I found some cool plastic pieces to make a homebrew game with, so that'll be fun)

Just a note, has anyone seen the show "Scott Baio single and 45"? It struck me as interesting as I used to be a big fan of CIC show, and I was expecting it was going to be a somewhat a realistic shallow life of a movie star, and so far I have not been dissapointed, unfortunately, but makes for an interesting watch.
Which leads up to my dinner with some people tonight ----
My girlfriend, whom I 've been dating for a few months now, and we had dinner with some of her friends. These were'nt really close friend of hers, they were more of the party click, and these girls were the shallowest, dumbest, girls i have ever met. I mean maybe there are girls out there that are worse but all they could talk about was drinking, partying, their boyfriends, and whatever I didn't listen to. Probably some things about makeup or something (mind you, it would be alright if they were 16, but at 21... youre expected to grow out of it somewhat). I did enjoy the conversation as I have learned to over the years to do so. (All i could imagine was one of them sucking my cock just to shut them up which was actually quite a turnon, them shutting up that is. ) But between watching an episode of the "surreal life" or being there tonight, it was a real close second.
The Paris and Bush icon is sadly what is to be remembered in the 10's. I hope the 20's gets better.