
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Well, the surgery went well, the doc said they got all the junk out. It is/was a Hurthle Cell Lesion but they're not sure if it is a rapidly growing mass (cancer) or a slowly growing mass (benign). So, we have to wait for the full pathology / lab results to get back before we know if we have to go back in to get the other lobe removed and have to do the radioactive iodine treatment crap. Yay for more uncertainty and waiting! (meh) Bonus: when pulling out her breathing tube, apparently they whipped her upper lip and split it open.

The doc came in this morning and removed the drain tube and signed off on her coming home, so I raced down to the hospital so we could wait around for like 3 hours for them to drudge through the bureaucratic what-evers. Anyhow. Got her home, fed her some home cooked food product (despite expecting 'hospital food', I couldn't believe just how horrid the crap was that they delivered... especially given that we specified in the pre-admit meeting, upon admittance and every time they tried to deliver one of these trays of slop that she can't have dairy or beef.. especially not beef cooked in dairy, slathered with some more dairy and deepfried in more butter and dairy...)

But I digress.

She's home, recouping and resting. We go in next Monday to get the stitches out and to get an update on the whole lab pathology.