
Friday, July 20, 2007

omw to go get harry potter! i've somehow been able to avoid any spoilers. Even playing wow where ppl give away the ending in general chat. BUT, haven't seen shit yet (have a good guess what happens tho.) So i'll get that shit tonight and knock it out in like 6.5 hours, then I'll dead-lift 300lbs and chug 32 cases of MGD and then go nail some hot sluts to get the stink of NERD off me. Queers.

EDIT: HELLS TO THE NO! I rolled up there at like 11:45 and there was like a million old dudes dressed like Hermione. And then since I didn't actually try to reserve a copy, they said it'd prolly be around 2-2:30AM till I'd be able to get a book. No.

EDIT Part Deux: If I was that kinda guy, I'd a found a pdf version and settled on that. The same kinda guy who read MOST (like 5 books) of the Fire and Ice books in BUSTED, fucked-up, GHETTO MS Word/PDF/Plain txt file versions. All kinds of misspellings included. Let's see what happens to Ha&ry Potttor and the Deadry Horrers...