
Thursday, July 26, 2007


Dude, you made up that story jon! NO WAY that dude exists! If he does, write him into a book, that shits too crazy!

In last nights movie mayhem I watched ALIENS and 28 WEEKS LATER. Now, of course, Aliens is a "classic". I dunno, I think my action tastes have changed a little cuz I wasn't too blown away by it. I mean, I realize at the time it came out, it was prolly INSANEly awesome, but I kept minimizing the movie to look at the same 3 fuckin websites I look at 101% of my life. I even skipped thru the last boss fight she has... I dunno, I knew what happened. Time is money ppl! One cool thing was I kept thinking of the Aliens mini game and the acid spray and APONE and all that shit. PRetty cool. Damn, they die off pretty quick in the movie tho!

28 Weeks Later was pretty awesome! I liked it a lot. Much better than the first one (although the first one had the original killer premise - just had a lot of slow zzz parts.) This one was fuckin pretty non-stop scary fast runnin zomboids. And without giving away the end, its old school horror movie with a depressing hopeless finale. Hahah, love it. It seemed super short! I think its regular movie length, but the shit all happens so fast, it was just suddenly over! But yeah, they setup part 3 (28 months Later!?) so it'll be good fun. Sometimes I feel like I got the rage virus in my life! Or I'm playing frogger with it, too.

Tonight I have The Count of Monte Cristo - always looked cheesy to me but I've heard from quite a few ppl that its good fun, so co-worker lent it. We shall see!

God Dammit Otto, you have Lupus!