
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Manchu Man Combat Fuck

So here I sit enjoying the fruits of fine mid-western foods one or two days after the fact. I don't know what it was that I ate, but it has declared war on my intestines. Uggg... Fucking Shit-Piss. All I can say is good thing this did not happen yesterday while I was air traveling.

O: That is good to hear that the Wife is doing fine. How is her voice? Or is it too early to tell how it may be affected?

eLzar the goZarian: I understand the bitter-sweet parting with the Southbay. I definitely get nostalgic and want to visit and then when I do, I get bummed out. What was once such a great place to live in and experience just perverted over the years. In some ways the changes were so subtle that I did not notice them until I had lived away from it for a while. Both my stay at dirty SD and SF each showed me more and more of the changes as I left for periods of time. These absences help me notice the changes and also compare to other cities. DO not get me wrong, entitlement is a problem in all of America, but some places are worse then others. The only thing left for me down there is family, friends, memories and the weather.

Moving is teh shitz.

Movie going can be a real crap shoot, but I don't seem to run into the bad movie experience but very rarely. I don't know if I have been just lucky or maybe certain theaters or locales are more prone to yahoos and attention seekers. Actually the two worst experiences I have that stand out happened quite some time ago. One was for a showing of Boyz n' the Hood in an theater that draws upon some very poor blue collar communities in Ohio. Boy was that great. Every serious part of the movie was sullied by laughing, name calling and gratuitous foul comments. The second was in a middle class community in San Diego for a Braveheart showing. Some asshole-cowboy went apeshit during every bloody scene in the movie, literally screaming at the top of his lungs the stereotypical "YeeHaa's" and general Whoopin' hoots. Even the usher could not control this lame ass hick. I just dislike loud self-centered people.

j0rn: There is also ConQuest SF on Labor Day weekends. Maybe we can scope it out this year to see if it is worth dragging the whole crew to next year. It is located at the Marriott, not too far from the KublaCon convention.
