
Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Interesting disparity in opinions. I have yet to see it so, I guess I will have to hold mine for later skaters.

On the other hand I saw Ratatouille and 1408...

1408: You failed your highness. Not scary, Not creepy, Not anything for me. It just seems progressively more like a failed interpretation of a King book as the movie went forward. The beginning starts off promising with a an interesting premise, convincing build-up, and a likable/believable character. The illusion of the evil room starts really good and creepy, but slowly reveals itself as turd polishing by the last third of the movie as the pranks become more and more of a stretch. I am sure it was engaging in the book through and through, as is the nature of King's writings, but the movie just could not hold my interest. Queue frequent glances at my watch to judge how much more I had to endure. The scares too cliche, the confinement to the room tactics too predictable, and the ending was the final trickling dribbles and coughs of what started out as a solid river of interest. Kind of a let down since it got descent reviews. BTW waking from dreams of successful extrication to reveal your still in the shit or vice versa is a little tired.

Ratatouille: Was pretty darn good I thought. Cute even. Perhaps a little too fairy tale like and predictable, but the visuals were quite splendid and the characters were fun. At the very least it seemed devoid of the over the top potty humor, unlike some contemporary animated turned CGI movies of late. Definitely geared to the little'uns with plenty of adult entertainment but not too adult themed.

O Rugs. How did the procedure go? Is she doing okay? Hope all is well.

In other news, my grandfather on my mother's side had a massive stroke today. Seems pretty grim. Booo.. My mother is flying out to see him this evening, but they don't know if he will make it through the night.
