
Monday, June 04, 2007

Ok, I'm going to bed, but I just gotta say Mel Gibson is pretty gnarly. Just finished Apocalipto and it was fairly non-scary for the entire film. Scary in the way Passion of the Christ was "scary." Yeah, some total unneeded gore (didn't phase me at all, but kinda silly at times.) Weird mix of "epic" photography and cheapo-"dreamscape 2"-esque wacky cams: POV for like sacrifices... what? Cheese. And like that camera thats attached to an actor's chest and points up into their face for the "omg, i am running and crazy stressed out!" view. Also this scene where a jaguar chews up a dudes face - looks like a fucking muppet! (Animal) And b4 that when the jag is chasing the dude, you can tell its a real jaguar, but it looks like a totally bored circus animal - like there's NO life in its poor jaguar eyes. Swear to god, they should have done it with computers or something.

That's all fine. It's a chase movie - some good actors, neat visuals, couple "rad" actiony parts. THEN, here's the big *SPOILER*

The dude gettin chased is down to his last 2 pursuers and has all kinda arrows in him etc, runs on to a beach and kinda collapses. Oh no, its over for our herO! Two baddies roll up on him and then all 3 look off into the ocean in awww... camera pans to show: THE SPANISH with their crosses and straight-up friar tuck priests on the landing boats! And they're all fuckin bold looking with awesome posture. Then the two baddies forget our hero and rush off in a zombie-esque state to greet the new visitors and our hero goes and saves his wife and kids. You gotta see that last scene to really appreciate it. I was thinking the whole flick, "wow, he didn't throw in anything too overtly scary and religious" and then the way you see the Spanish roll in, tooo fucking funny.

Mel Gibson, you fucking ponce! :)

Still, was a relatively enjoyable flick.