
Monday, June 11, 2007


That dialog was pretty rad jon - that should be the start to a movie/screenplay thing. Just as youre walking out dejected he pulls out the Necrosaurus (don't wanna get sued by HP Lovecrafts estate.) It's like the ultimate sourcebook, because its REAL! You can be DMing an adventure from it to your gaming group when you guys all get sucked into the world of the Necrosaurus. And instead of it being like all spooky and scary and "real" high fantasy/horror or whatever, it would be totally like most of our real rpg adventures where there's stupid tangents and misadventures! And thats how we'd beat the Necrosaurus: we'd totally do the unexpected and he'd give up in total frustration.

Watched The Departed last night - it was pretty good! No spoilers, but the ending was a little "meh" to me. I felt like it could have had more pizazz or been more interesting - but the journey was cool - seemed like it had a lot of potential though.