
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I don't know if everybody keeps up with this, but a new edition of Talisman is being released. This is the game that showed me there were board games other than Monopoly. Therefore I feel an irrational fanboy ownership towards the game; much like Fallout. But that rant is for another day. They have a preview demo with pictures here:


From here on end, I shall become the Comicbook guy from the Simpsons so reading is optional. I'm going to sound like an elitist, pretentious snerd, proceed at your own risk.
I assume the mechanics are more or less the same, so that is no worry.

I do like the fact that the characters are cut-outs though. Of course as with everything in my world: Everything is improved when used with miniatures. Actually my biggest gripe is the overall presentation. Illustration, a subject dear and close to my heart like bondage anime elves.

The art is so meh! Technically it's good; much better than I can do at this point. But it's so uninspiring. It lacks style. The 2nd ed. art was quirky and full of British GW atmosphere at its best. The art for the big box ed. was ok. I never warmed up to the guy's style, but at least it was unique and had its own style.

This art feels more utilitarian. Like a shovel. Sure it does the job, its well constructed. But it certainly does not make me stare at White Dwarf ads for hours before I go to bed. This might be enough to force me to make my own board (with miniatures). Really.