
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yeah, I mean, years ago when the game was only hype (even b4 wow had come out) it sounded like the GREATEST! Then reality hit. They had a followup interview with Brad McQuaid himself, and he just kinda comes off like an asshat. He blames it all on the ZOO TYCOON people, roflcopters and lollerskates. Sounds like a ass-hole. They had like 30million fucking dollars and 5 or 6 years... and made pooptastic game. Sheesh. HERE

Hahahaha. From the discussion that followed that interview. Hang this on your wall at work jon:
When you have a sick game, you have to invest in QA. QA are the team to figure out things to make a sick game healthy again. You can continue pretending your game isn't sick, and you get the now forseable results.

If you take the blinders off, you realize that everything has to come to a screeching halt and QA has to have several hands in the goings on, like a triage team at a hospital.

Hmm... think the guy who wrote that maybe works OA!? Have pride in yer work j0rn!