
Friday, May 11, 2007

So, I get an email back from my Corporate Finance professor today regarding my final grade. On the two unit tests and final exam, I had a 101.3% average. For our group presentation/paper, which he held off on grading until after all the exams were done, he gave us a motherfucking C, which put me exactly 6.75 points (out of 440 total for the semester) below an A, because he requires a 97% average to receive an A. What a douche bag, extraordinaire. His response to my email, asking for specifics on why we got such a low grade on our project? "I have extremely high expectations for A grades in my class". (insert head turning red, exploding-emoticon here)

I don't know whether to be more pissed about getting corn holed over yet another group project/presentation (which was the best in the class, ffs).. or about the total arbitrary grade. Six frigging points!
