
Monday, April 30, 2007

My Turn

Sorry about being MIA on you Rudy, Leslie has bronchitis, Wylie is going through some changes that have turned him into a real handful, and to top it off, we have been showing the house a fair amount. Not to mention the weather, and waves, have been craptacular. On to better things...

What started as an opportunity for me to escape a house full of women and babies, as Leslie is having her friends Jennifer and Meredith (that are sisters) from Santa Cruz, including Jennifer's son Asher, come down for the weekend, has snowballed into a bit of a Kublacon practice run! Denis is on board to play hooky from work on friday, and if we can get Rudy to play it Rudy Smooth as well, we will be up in SF for Enron Floor Con II next weekend!

Are you up for it Rudy?!?!? DO IT!

Also, I sat in on a panel at GDC that included two creators of Cloud. One of them, Jenova Chen, went on to make fl0w as well. Interesting fellow, but his discussion seemed to always return to a cyclical discussion about "i'm okay, you're okay, let's be cool and play games". It was weird. Art can comment further if he so chooses.