
Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Yeah the iPhone is pretty sweet; however, being expensive and being poor dont mix. Plus it wont be available until June. Boo FCC approval. Who needs that noise. Remeber, Cingular only boys and girls. Maybe when my current contract is up with my current phone (in 21 months) and my iPod dies, Ill dive in.

Boo RIP S. Keliphone. She was a good ship that was built like a steakhouse but handled like a bistro.

jr0n: Did you try letting that bad boy dry out for several days and then trying it out? I had a Nextel at work that took three days to dry out after a swim in our plaza fountain. No problems since then.

You know Talisman was sweet for about an hour and a half and then... uggg! The ironic part is I would totally play it if it were busted out.

WoW: CCG. Not gonna happen like Magish: The gathering of money by WotC. Successful: Yes. Explosive: No.
