
Sunday, January 21, 2007

3ds Max and Paint

MotoMyke: I did a bit more research last night and the general consensus on the Autodesk forums is that SLi/Crossfire does not appear to aid in the performance of 3D Studio Max. The other bit of information that I garnered is that the professional level cards such as the quadro cards will provide a boost for some types of fly through renderings, but they are temperamental and comparatively slow with consumer based 3D rendering such as the gaming engines. Finally I was able to determine that single shot renderings are more CPU intensive while fly through videos are more video card intensive. So to make a long story short, I think a powerful consumer based video card is the best choice for your needs.

jr0n: If you need to borrow my crack pipe I have one for you. Its in my pants. OH shit! Seriously though, I think I am probably going to be a bit crappy tomorrow judging by how I feel right now, but I bet Tuesday would be a good day to get our painting groove on. Maybe we can get together Wednesday too and have Myke join us for some power painting. How do I get a hold of you since your cell is dead?
