
Saturday, May 27, 2006

BTW.. did anyone here NOT see V for Vendetta? I just finally caught it last week (was showing on an IMAX theatre screen, even!) ... SO FREAKING GOOD! I loved it. Of course, I'm sure my NSA file has been updated now.. but whatever.

The only thing I thought was a little "meh" was the heavy-handed homosexual martyrdom angle that they beat on like a rented mule. They could have made the point without going so insanely over the top with it. It took away from the rest of the movie, IMO.

Still.. 9 out of 10. SO good!
Aaron, come on man, don't lie.

You were banging chicks on the top rack of our bunk bed like, almost every night, and you know it.

Has anyone NOT seen the video where some dude slowed down the speed of Bush's speech so he sounds drunk? If not.. get thee to Google. Too funny not to see over and over again.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Great game idea

I was just thinking, "History of the World" card game. The game has interesting little connotations of little verbages of history and quotations, fun yet educational. To start (starter cards) The game structure is you have a government, a leader, a economic base, a religion base, and a science base. For each one, you can have a starting card, (ie setup. Abraham Lincoln, Communism, Free trade, Koranism, and Historical) So each starting card gives you certain cultural, strength, political, and domination points. You use each type of points then to build your historical tract of your country. The goal is to build the best HISTORICAL TRACT and be the greatest leader, NOT WAR. however, there will be plenty of historical army cards, ie (NAZISM: 1st rule: Laws of Germany) Where you can depose 1 persons government to be replaced. Downeffect, -2 to culture, or something. There will be a pool of cards in the middle to be played and counterplayed.

Here's the turn sequence: Every turn, the History deck, you place 10 cards face up. Each person, depending on their agenda, bids on certain cards to either propulgate their strengths or their historical tract for points. You can have others join you in helping you bid for cards, or you can have opposing factions go against your bids. Whatever the case, you would spend points etc etc.

That's the general idea. Think it's sellable? Card games are a bit over done, but I think it would be a cool collectible game due to the historical value.

I was an X in high school

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Good Style Sense?

I don’t think any of us were really sporting a good look in HS. My rule of NEVER wearing pants to school lasted for four straight years of HS. How dumb was I? Scoring with the Ladies? I think not. No matter how many prophylactics Eric swears he saw in Art and my room.

Zits certainly were the topper of the time. Man did we have some sweet ones. Yuck.

O: That was a nasty hat that was. Yum yum how white cloth evolved to yellow brown from being worn during every waking hour.

Anyway I guess this is what happens when you drink a glass of wine on an empty stomach. What you think of as great ideas often pop in your head; Some Ill advised and some... Well, lets face it, golden.


Give a man FTP access and this is what he goes and does with it. He puts a picture of me on the website with hair that looks like that. Man. So embarrassed. Not a good look for me, or anyone for that matter!

I second the cringing at remember the uncomfortableness of HS. I LOVED HS, but man, I did not look good. Do I now? Guys? I look good now wearing the same clothes as I did then though, right? Right?
Man, the avatars seem to be much more witty and intersting than anything I have to say. So, I will redirect your attention to them once more. Nice fries, btw. (and more like it.. LOL)
O: Ask and you shall receive.

Great jr0n. Dont think twice about the RV they are rediculous to rent. Something like hundreds a day. So what did we get? A Yugo?

wow - pictures are so good.
oh shit!
what does my picture look like?

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Nice. I've never felt so 'andsome!

Enron, I've rented a car so I guess KublaCon is officially ON! I got a rad idea seconds after hanging up. I should have rented an RV. Then we could've had a weird, alternate, sleeping-in-the-RV con. I'd like to try it someday.

I'm having a hard time picking between Aaronious' 70's porn stache and Eric's.. well.. fuck me.. ERIC WINS. LOL!

edit: DUDE.. the infamous "Miami" hat. Wow. Had totally forgotten about that.. and my incredibly large zits. Yay for teenage years.

Edit2: Who do I have to petition for an avatar picture for Aaron with something shoved up his nose? I mean, really.. how hard could that be to come up with?
Market Street for the May Day march from the 40th floor of my building.

Your Momma


Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I thought this was hilarious. From Outlaw Vern's review of X-Men 3:

The movie picks up a little bit after X PART 2. Jean Grey is still dead underwater (like Godzilla) and Cyclops (remember, the whiny douchebag with the sunglasses) is real grim and brooding. You can tell he has been deeply changed by this tragedy, because he has stubble. However things seem pretty good otherwise because the president of the US was so impressed by Professor X-Man stopping time and making a big speech at the end of part 2 that he appointed a furry blue mutant to his cabinet as the Secretary of Mutant Affairs. This is of course Kelsey Grammar from 'Cheers' and although he does a good job this is probaly gonna be pretty controversial. The writers took alot of poetic license with his character, he doesn't eat cookies or have googly eyes anymore and they call him "Hank."
Once you go Mac, you never go back.

I've never regretted it. The part that sucked was getting all the software I needed together -- I was no longer able to rely on my years of accumulated haxxored Windows products. Once I got all that worked out things worked great.

There was a birthday at work today and we went to a really good beer n' pizza place next to Games of Berkeley for lunch. I got hammered then walked over and picked up Sigmar's Heirs. Hooray!
Protest the Gyro: Ew. Ewwww! Too prog-rock/metal for me, thank you. Me no like so far. They're on Vagrant which my friends band is on which is cool-points though. Getting Karate HighSchool as I type this, let's see what kinda poop that is.

Edit: Karate HighSchool sounds pretty good. Like face to face/pennywise 2006! :) No, it sounds pretty cool, thanks. Kill the Heroes though, that one goes bye bye, but to each her own.

More Eww!
Bee Ortz

I say go for it Elrock. Macintorch is pretty good. Especially now that you can dual boot, it makes more sense. Anything you could not do before you can. They really have come a long long way since their bad old days when you abandoned them. That waas their darkest hour then.


"Hanging Brain" - BR
Increasing my post count:

Elrock, any update on the time-frame-schedule? Also.. we don't need to stay with you guys, if that's a (the) problem? Not sure I made that clear before?
Baby Einsteinium for the winzor!

Naw, don't feel bad. Actually.. it's supposed to be fairly stimulating and helps with identifying/solving-for shapes, colors and with memory performance in general. Which one(s) do you have? Haylee's favorite guy was Baby Galileo. She'd smile/laugh every time that stupid little kangaroo would come on the screen.. every time! Even from as young as like 2 months as I recall. She doesn't watch them so much anymore, but while she was non-mobile.. she loved sitting in her play-seat and watching the Baby E for a bit. Another big favorite was the padded mat with the overhanging bars with the hanging animals and whatnot.. good times, that. Man, it's hard to believe she was ever that tiny now. It's so bizarre. It really is. We just had to buy her new shoes.. again. I keep feeding the kid non-stop and she just isn't getting any fatter.. not that this should be a suprise either, I guess.. given my build growing up.. but as a parent you're constantly paranoid about your kid getting enough nutrition. I can hear my mother's voice nagging me to eat something besides cereal all day as I type this. LOL. She's 32-ish, 33-ish inches tall now. I'm guessing over the next 5 months between now and her birthday she'll probably grow another 3-4 inches, putting her right at about three feet tall (isn't 2 years old when you double their height?) I dunno.. we'll see!
Interesting Opinion

It's funny, but I am somewhat more motivated than I was before to get a Mac, because you so vehemently oppose it! Maybe it's my Bad Religion "Against the Grain" DNA, or maybe my goalie DNA where I derive enjoyment from stopping other people's glory, and then there is of course the Asshole DNA, but whatever it is, I TOTALLY want to get one, and love it as much as every other Mac user and bring it to your house and when you are trying to take a piss, slide it under the bathroom door.

I'm just saying.

But what I REALLY logged on to blog about was that I have officially entered the realm of being a bad parent because Wylie is watching a Baby Einstein DVD right now, rather than watching me. One could argue, that I don't bring the same level of color contrast, and interesting shapes and light that the DVD does, but still, on some level I feel a little bit wrong doing it! Well, we can't all raise MIT kids, right? I mean someone has to go to El Camino, might as well be Wylie. Maybe he can transfer to SDSU if he works real hard while he is there...
Every day I've spent over the last semester working with Macs was reason upon reason never to buy a frigging Mac as long as I live. I have a standing order for anyone I know to kick me in the balls if the words "I'm thinking of buying a Mac" ever escape my lips.

I think this sums up my opinion perfectly well:


Thinking about the Crackintosh eh? It was only a matter of time before you came back around to the old flame. Once a mac user always a coke user. Gotta admit if I had the bones I would buy one too.

Anyway, the nitty gritty is this... if you can wait a few months, do. The current gen has a few wrinkles they need to iron out. AKA, cheap thermal paste appliction issues that lead to overheating on some units (both Macbook and Macbook Pro). The great thing about being with Intel is that the release cycles/upgrade bumps are sure to be more often, albeit less significant changes in features/performance from release to release. Anyway the next gen is around the corner and should provide a bump in perf and some bug/flaw fixes. If you can not wait, well it will still be a nice unit to have.

If you want to run Wow, do not get the plain MacBook. It is a dog with graphics. It is an intigrated video adapter a la Intel IG shit. Not only does this sap main memory but it dumps a lot of the processing on your CPU. Poor 3d performance and WoW may be miserable. The MacBook Pros do not have integrated graphics, in fact they use ATI X1600 mobility, a much more capable processor. I would do some looking around in the forums if I were you.

I ask because I contemplate...

...picking one up for "work". I dunno why I don't just get a cheapo, crappomatic Win one just for Word and Excel and the like, but I thought maybe some style injected in my life of T shirts, shorts, and jeans would be a welcome change for the better. I gotta start somewhere, and the computer might be the answer!

Suggestions? Guidance? Will WoW run on the new Mac lappy's?

As far as WFRP2 is concerned, I have purchased all the releases (why?) up to the end of the Paths of the Damned. Which means of the current releases, the stuff I DON'T have is the French bullshit (Knights of the Grail / Barony of the Damned). Though, being the tragic WFRP completist that I am, I will no doubt pick them up sometime. Maybe at the convention this weekend! Good 'ole Strategicon. It is getting a little bit better everytime, I think.

As far as WFRP suggestions go:

Realms of Sorcery - 256pp COLOR - Origins and history of magic, the nature of magic, where magic fits in with the Imperial Society, Colleges of Magic, and info about witches and witchhunters. Then new Lores and their spells with rituals, and an expanded Tzeentch's curse. Familiars, potions, magic items, Rune Magic, and A Brutal Finish adventure for second careers with a wizard. REALLY in depth study, explanation and rules for magic. Materials, arcane marks, researching new rituals, and more. TONS of campaign and adventure fodder. A really good and informative, maybe overly so, manual about Magisheesh/Majuska Whoosh! in the WFRP world. I would recommend this be your next purchase.

Sigmar's heirs - 128pp Color - Lot's of flavor and info about the Empire. Duh. Laws, traditions, Gov't, history as well as a breakdown by the individual provinces. The Province breakdowns cover the terrain, the the people, a Gazetteer, significant places, some people of note, and a few adventure hooks. Good stuff. there is also chapters about new cults, some new character classes, and a Mid-first career adventure (set 12 years after Shadows over Bogenhafen!). A good starting point to get an idea of what jit takes to run an immersive game in the Old World and the WFRP style.

Old World Armory - 128pp Color - Info about currency, taxation, and trade, owning and running businesses, animals and transportation, hiring characters, and then a crapload about standard equipment! Then chapters about Armor (use, materials, decorations, damaging rules), arms (unique weapons, weird stuff with new rules, and damaging rules), gunpowder goodies, warmachines, special equipment, treasures. Very cool stuff, but might be better left to inject into an established campaign to spice it up. However, if used in a non-campagin setting (a la how we use the WFRP rules these days) it is a good read.

Karak Azgal - 96pp B&W - A sourcebook covering the old Dwarven stronghold/city of Karak Azgal. The gist is that there is an ancient dwarf hold that has recently been rediscovered and folks have created a bit of a shanty/boom town based around dungeon delving for riches. The dwarves monitor or tax items removed. It is setup in a way that a whole campaign could be run, but there is no adventure storyline as such. Information covers laws, commerce, religion, and construction. The rest of the book fleshes out parts of Karak Azgal, and details the presence of undead, greenskins, skaven, and beasts of chaos that lurk below. If you like dwarves, get it, or if you want a somewhat unique excuse for dungeon crawling in the WFRP world. More of a traditional D&D approach to a very non-D&D game.
Dammit Aaron!!! I saw the blog with Aeryk's post, thought "I better get blogging before Aaron posts something." Then I click "to blog" and see you've posted in the seconds it took me to go from one page to the other. Dammit!

Anyway OS X 10.4 Tiger "Rrarrr!" comes with a word processor called "Pages." I think it's named after the kid from Newsies? I don't think it comes with a robust spreadsheet. You could try Open Office, which is supposed to be pretty robustin' out these days. I just use Office.

If you weren't able to buy or otherwise "procure" Office, you could always just boot to windows XP and use Excel there. Yay Dual Booting.

And yes, Macs and PCs speak gud to each other these days.


Oh yeah. What kind of moron do you have to be to go into the National Guard these days. "Let's all go get shot and roust Mexicans! Yee-haw!"
Open Office

Free (as in beer), great, nearly as good as M$ Office, comes in either binary or source, is backed by Sun as an open-source inititive, and can write in an M$ Office compatible format. I have been fiddling around with it. SupAr plus, it runs on Mac OS X, Win 9x/XP/2K, Linux (PPC/x86), Solaris(x86/Sparc), and many more. Only draw back is that it is not as snappy to load as M$ Office. Probably since Office digs into the OS like a tick. Almost like a rootkit. Check it out...

Open Office

"What the hell is a manymore?"
Yeah, they look cool but...

...how does one create and use a text document and/or a spreadsheet file on a Mac? I scoured the website, and there is little mention of any included software that allows you to actually "do" stuff with a Mac. I mean outside of buying Office 2004 for $599, that is. If and when you actually "do" stuff, is it then compatible with a Windoze app? Can they read each other, or does Windoze refuse to read the file once it has been corrupted by the Mac?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Also, it is so sad that the Top 4 Downloaded songs by Bad Religion on iTunes are as follows:

1) Struck a Nerve
2) Infected
3) Sorrow
4) 21st Century Boy

And go buy the band Protest the Hero RIGHT NOW!!!!!

ALSO: Ryan, you might pop a load in your shorts when you hear Karate High School... listen to Good News bad News on iTunes, and tell me what you think....

Monday, May 22, 2006

Pumpkin. Wow. A winner is you.

Hey Aeryk, have you been keeping up with the WFRP 2e releases at all? I've been thinking about picking up either the magisheesh book, the dwarf book or Heirs of Sigmar. Any opinions?

I used to watch strippers, now I strip miniatures. Sigh.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Celebrate the night comon! let's celebration

It's 12:37 am, and just got back from a birthday party bash drinking all to hell. Lost in texas holdem 5000 pesos in less than 5 minutes! woohoo! don't liqher and pokher boyz. It's a deadly combination.

Artrino 1.65ghz: yeah, WWII games are usually more old men and youth camp boyz old schoolz style, so you got a somewhat more serious crowd. I used to play Close Combat III online. kindaz coolz. but the WWII shooters are just as bad when your talking about matururnity and the h4x0r5. 33-mutha-fk3n-l33t.

Anywayz, rudes, I hope you find a cool place to crash and it all works out.

I forget, tomorrow I have to work, so i'll cut it short.
