
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Interesting Opinion

It's funny, but I am somewhat more motivated than I was before to get a Mac, because you so vehemently oppose it! Maybe it's my Bad Religion "Against the Grain" DNA, or maybe my goalie DNA where I derive enjoyment from stopping other people's glory, and then there is of course the Asshole DNA, but whatever it is, I TOTALLY want to get one, and love it as much as every other Mac user and bring it to your house and when you are trying to take a piss, slide it under the bathroom door.

I'm just saying.

But what I REALLY logged on to blog about was that I have officially entered the realm of being a bad parent because Wylie is watching a Baby Einstein DVD right now, rather than watching me. One could argue, that I don't bring the same level of color contrast, and interesting shapes and light that the DVD does, but still, on some level I feel a little bit wrong doing it! Well, we can't all raise MIT kids, right? I mean someone has to go to El Camino, might as well be Wylie. Maybe he can transfer to SDSU if he works real hard while he is there...