
Saturday, April 22, 2006


So, the new rules are out! Who cares? MAYBE Enron and Jael, and of course I do! Anyhoo, it still reeks of homebrew quality although there is a nice glossy cover and slick pages and some actual color print pages too! From what I have read they clarified the army list section, a la Warhammer Armies stylee, and removed the old 'battleship' style of pre-gameplay sequence and replaced it with a strange sort of "Chutes and Ladders" recce portion of the game. Weird to replace one weirdness with another, but I think this one is more straight forward and less calculations and whatnot involved.

I imagine that all the questions that Guru fellow answered in that huge document I had, and that Johnny emailed if I recall, have been worked into the new print, but I have not compared the old book with the new. It was JUST printed, so I would hope so!

Anyway, I am all jazzed to play it again. With whom you might ask? Well, no one. Enron and Jael move back to LA! Or stay there, and we will move to you! PBI muthufukkas!!!!!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Plus, you suck.

(Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul v1.23 is out as of last night, for those so inclined!)

SO GOOD! (how many times have I said that already? LOL.
Last time I checked...

Post Nuke was a huge target. It seems that unless it is updated very regularly, script kiddie will h4X0r your site. Maybe it is time for some good old fashioned HTML. Booo...


PS my image seems to have gone AWOL. I would fix it, but I am not at home.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

We've been hacked/exploited again. Site down. Baby doctors appointment now, so I an't do anything about it. More later.

... so post-nuke is out, and this temp site is up til Leslie can watch Wylie for awhile...


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Gotta love the gurgling fart poo.

In related news: Haylee was falling asleep on her playroom futon with the blanket all nice and snug and her watching the tail end of some Disney movie yesterday, so instead of using the bathroom downstairs, I used the upstairs bathroom so that the noise factor would be lowest and she'd be asleep by the time I got back downstairs. Wellllll.. I'm not gone more than 4-5 minutes, come back downstairs to find that not only is she not asleep.. but she has climbed up onto the dining room table, taken everything out of her diaper/travel bag, shaken the salt and pepper shakers all over the tablecloth, is eating a beaded necklace and has managed to partially tear her diaper off and is sitting on the tablecloth in a big pool of piss. That one took me a minute to absorb and react to. Never underestimate the ability for your little one to do more swathing destruction in as little duration of time as possible.

Today, I can laugh about it. Yesterday, I was horrified. LOL.
Bad Religion

As I sing Bad Religion lullaby's to Wylie, I am reminded to lest not heed thine words of Dr. Graffin, neigh, when he spake:

I'm tired of this city, all this toil and strife.
Trying to cross the boulevard, playing Frogger with my life.
Frogger with my life

I <3 BR, but man, Frogger.... Infact I <3 BR so much, I think I am going to bust out a rad new playlist for the iPod and add all my BR albums and go pure BR for a while.

(Just as I finished that last sentence, my boy just sleep grunted and dropped a crazy gurgling, farty, poo.)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


wow.. i read that post doctor story. that was also probably one of the lamest doctor i have heard in a while, although a 2nd opinion is mandatory so it would have been resolved one way or another.

50% of the doctors are shit. There are another 50% that are normal, but bet you 50% are dicks cuz they have arguably one of the best paid worst job next to sanitation workers. Staring at (fill in the body part here) feces, gue and blood all day. I heard dentists have the highest suicide rate, but that could be a fibber.

How's easter for all?

For me it was a tropical feast on one of the island resorts. was nice. We should all go have a convention at the beach one of these days. So fly out to the Philippines! Do it!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Oh, also.. forgot to post this when it came out:


Plus, give us some love on the "support" button Top-100 clicky-clicky. Once a day is all we ask! :)

Also-also.. haven't forgotten about the vitamins, Jael. However.. coming up with something sexy isn't easy for something so not baby-blue colored. Heh.
Bajorn: That's so Napoleon Dynamite! I'd pay to watch that unfold. Twice, even. But, small suggestion.. shouldn't it be a Vorpal +5 Holy Avenger? LOL.

Eric: Best out of context quote award goes to..

"Pumping is how we are doing it."

Hey dudes -- I got this awesome idea for a wedding. Let me know what you think:

The theme is "married in the eyes of Tyr" and it's obviously a D&D style wedding. So the minister is a guy dressed up as a Paladin, he's wearing like silver armor and has a sick sword strapped to his side (+5 Holy Avenger!) and maybe a cool warhorse in the background. Anyway he reads the vows all serious and then at the end he says, "And with this lay on hands, I thee wed." He reaches both hands out to join the couple when suddenly...

Orcs attack! Like a bunch of guys in sick outfits with cool battleaxes and cleavers and stuff. At this point the best man shouts out "To arms! To arms! Guests, I implore thee, look under thine seats!" All the guests look down and sure enough -- under their seats are like fake maces and swords. The wedding group joins battle with the orc raiders!!! Can you imagine anything more fun for all the old ladies? After a huge battle the evildoers are defeated, but wait -- the groom lies dead amongst the floral arrangements, surrounded by a score (or more) of dead orcs.

The paladin/minister looses one tear and kneels beside the fallen husband-to-be. "Tyr," he implores, "grant this man life again, that he may fulfill his conjugal duties." There is an angelic chorus and a burst of light! The groom rises, minus one level and a point of Constitution perhaps, but still filled with admiration for his lady love! The Paladin invokes the Lay on Hands and the ceremony is complete.

What do you think!? Ah, if only my gf was the nerdy type!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Thanks ElzAr.

That is a pretty sweet picture. I am glad to hear you are getting some sleep. It seems so surreal that you have a child now. I hope I will be able to make it down soon to see Wylie.

It is the f'n quadrillionth day of rain here. Uggg. It has rained 38 of the last 47 days here. So sick of rain and gloom. In fact I ended up watching the entire extended version of the Lord of the Rings trilogy yesterday. 11hrs 22min playing time. Sad. But I wanted to just once say that I did it.


Pumping is how we are doing it. I'm sure there is some study or statistic proving that pumping is inferior to pure boob, but whatever. It works great for all of us!

Also, the room theme is beachy and surfer. Aquatic man. Aquatic.

And Enron, my address is one seven 33 elm @venue MB, you know the rest!
Sweet pic of the little guy!

Good to hear you guys have shifts going. Not to get personal, but how's that working out? You guys going the formula route? I'm pretty sure you aren't lactating, anyway. =P