
Monday, April 17, 2006

Hey dudes -- I got this awesome idea for a wedding. Let me know what you think:

The theme is "married in the eyes of Tyr" and it's obviously a D&D style wedding. So the minister is a guy dressed up as a Paladin, he's wearing like silver armor and has a sick sword strapped to his side (+5 Holy Avenger!) and maybe a cool warhorse in the background. Anyway he reads the vows all serious and then at the end he says, "And with this lay on hands, I thee wed." He reaches both hands out to join the couple when suddenly...

Orcs attack! Like a bunch of guys in sick outfits with cool battleaxes and cleavers and stuff. At this point the best man shouts out "To arms! To arms! Guests, I implore thee, look under thine seats!" All the guests look down and sure enough -- under their seats are like fake maces and swords. The wedding group joins battle with the orc raiders!!! Can you imagine anything more fun for all the old ladies? After a huge battle the evildoers are defeated, but wait -- the groom lies dead amongst the floral arrangements, surrounded by a score (or more) of dead orcs.

The paladin/minister looses one tear and kneels beside the fallen husband-to-be. "Tyr," he implores, "grant this man life again, that he may fulfill his conjugal duties." There is an angelic chorus and a burst of light! The groom rises, minus one level and a point of Constitution perhaps, but still filled with admiration for his lady love! The Paladin invokes the Lay on Hands and the ceremony is complete.

What do you think!? Ah, if only my gf was the nerdy type!