
Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yeah, the Raiders are a sad sight. I'm not into football (American or Everywhere Else-ian) but I work in the East Bay and all the Raiders fans have been bummin' the whole year. I don't know what the problem is but it sounds like they need to follow that old adage, "the best offense, is some offense."

So, in the move, my girlfriend's ancient stereo finally bit the dust and I am mulling over options for a replacement as an Xmas gift. I'm considering two options. The first is to just buy a new stereo with CD changers and shit. We actually do listen to CDs pretty often (how quaint) so that's workable. That's option 1. I don't know a lot about stereos/music equipment though, anybody have some good links or advice? A lot of the sites I Googled up seem suspicious or biased.

The other option is to get one of those fancy-pants units that you dock an iPod into. They're kinda expensive, but they're oh, so hip. I don't really know much about them besides, they seem cool and they are conveniently compact.
