
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Holy shit! El Sombrero was there for what, 35 years? That place was really one of the few remaining pieces of ole M.B. What a bummer. I bet it was burned down by somebody who wants to put up a mediterranean mansion there. Maybe they will respect the place by making their slaves wear a sombrero when they horsewhip them in the front courtyard.

Zero-G Jenga, hahahaa! Nice picture. Basically what happened was that all these new people are in the department. A lot of them used to do QA at Electronic Arts right before this job, and the result is that they look like a bunch of thugs instead of people working at a business. Like there's a real stereotypical white rapper guy and an intense looking dude who talks about karate a lot. Whatever, it's a reasonably casual building and QA is sorta known for relaxed standards in things like clothing and hygiene. Anyway, this one guy I work with wears a Sharks jersey every single goddamn day. He's also sorta weird-looking, he's not a a bad guy at all but at first he looks sorta weird plus he's a sorta small guy swallowed up in this mammoth jersey so you're weirded out. And the first day he was there I got things off to a rocky start because a friend of mine and I were IMing back and forth kinda talking smack about this guy. Not anything really bad, or even personal to this guy really, more just that we were bored than anything else -- things like "we're really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days" (which sort of applied to everybody who'd been coming in lately) and "this guy looks like he'd nail your skin onto his wall" (well, that's a little personal). So har, har, let's joke about the new guy who is just starting and doesn't know anybody yet. Yay us.

Anyway I am always doing about 20 things at a time so that was one of many windows open. So when this guy came by and I switched to a word document to show him something, I realized in horror that bringing up the document also made the IM chat window partially visible, although still semi-concealed behind the word window. (In Warmachine terms it would have a +2 defense bonus due to an intervening window.) So I tried to move the word doc over the IM window but instead I clicked the IM window, bringing it to the front. Then I tried to close the chat window and instead I double-clicked on the bar and maximized it. This dude was just sort of standing there staring at my monitor. So after that I felt like a really great human being.

Anyway, whatever. I felt bad so I was really nice after that and I think things are cool. Maybe. So at our team meeting our boss asks who all would be interested in a secret Santa and I'm up for it, why not. I was sort of looking forward to either buying something scandalous for one of the people in the department I know, or getting to know one of the other dudes. Instead I pull this same fucking Sharks jersey guy that I've been working with all this time. Great. Not only that but the sheet that we had to fill out to say some of our preferences, the one he filled out is totally unhelpful. What are his interests? "Hockey." Gee, that's a surprise, thanks. What kind of food do you like? "Free food." OK. What about music, does he like music? Oh yeah, he filled out that he likes "Rock." Thanks fucko. I think I'll just put "Rock" "Hockey" and "Free Food" into Google and buy the first thing that pops up.