
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Guitar Hero II

a play in 2 scenes


ERIC is pleased to have purchased Guitar Hero II from FRYS ELECTRONICS earlier in the day, and is playing the game for the first time.

ERIC: Hey! This is pretty fun! More of the same I suppose, but still, fun to play new songs! The hard level is not even all that hard, secretly I think I am the best Guitar Hero player of the Action Team, but I will never let any of them know, there is a delicate balance of power that must remain intact amongst the Action Team.

Time passes, and ERIC continues to play songs on the hard level

ERIC: Wow! I have completed 30 of the 40 songs possible on Hard level and I have only failed one time! Geez, I am starting to think that either I am too good at Guitar Hero, or this game is kinda lame cause it is too easy. Oh well, I think I will stop this session for now, and comeback and play the next block of songs later.

ERIC leaves the back room and attends to his duties as a father, husband, and generally nice guy.

PS2: Oh, this fucking piece of cocksucking shit thinks he is some kinda cocksucking Guitar Hero? Well, come next session, this cocksucker is going to show that fucking cocksucking cocksucker who is the real cocksucker round these parts....


ERIC enters backroom, confident that he will rock the socks off anything that the Guitar Hero and PS2 can throw at him.

ERIC: Alright, so this section of tracks contains and Anthrax tune, cool! I think I will save that one til last, and start with this song, that is apparently by The Living End. Hmmm, I hated that band, this song is going to suck.

THE LIVING END and PS2 proceed to kick the cocksucking shit out of ERIC so badly that he crumples in a smoldering heap of cocksuck at the altar of cunts, and fails the song 12% into it, the intro is the most ridiculous thing he as ever seen, it makes the expert Cemetary Gates seem easy.

ERIC: (in the most pathetic whimpering voice ever) Why? Why have you done this to me PS2? How is this possible? How can Guitar Hero II be so easy and then unimaginably hard? Why? How?

PS2: ...


ERIC has picked himself up off the cocksucking altar of cunts and dusted himself off, and discovered PRACTICE MODE in Guitar Hero II. PRACTICE MODE allows you to play certain parts, or all parts of a song all the way through without failing and offers the ability to slow the song down from slightly slowere to a crawl to practice. While this offers no solice to ERIC because it has not helped him with the insanely hard, intricate and cocksucking fast song by THE LIVING END, it offers him hope. Hope that when he somehow, somewhere completes THE LIVING END song, the next song, by REV HORTON HEAT, is perhaps less difficult.


ERIC has cheated and looked ahead, and The REV HORTON HEAT song is infact just as stupidly hard. ERIC seriously doubts he will be able to pass this block of songs on hard mode.