
Monday, November 13, 2006

GenCon: T-Minus 3...

- jr0n, I am in for some Vault of Iron Maidens! Huzzar!

- I am reading the rules for Battlestations, the board/rpg game where you play crew on a spaceship that have to go on missions that range from ship to ship combat, to boarding actions, to derelict space ship exploration, and more! Looks fun, if you can get beyond the pseudo-Indy feel of the components and art. I think there is a good game that we will all enjoy there.

- My games that I want to play is narrowing before the con, as I always over estimate the time we will have to play, I am aiming low, and hoping to hit high! The list:

- Battlestations
- Tichu
- Command and Colors: ANcients
- Twilight Struggle
- Vault of the Iron Maidens
- WoW Card Game w/ Denis

- Rudy is totally my practice partner/Guitar Hero Muse. After I cranked the shit out of those three ridiculous songs, the "hidden song" of the set was YYZ by Rush, which was kind of a joke. Then the next batch, including Freebird, were fairly easy. So, maybe they reversed the last two batches of songs. Dunno. Time for expert!

- The duel guitar mode is AWESOME!

- Shall I ruin GenCon and bring it along?