
Monday, November 13, 2006


Don't do it man. We all know what video games do to the cons. Boo-urns. If you do, Dave and I will eat your guitar because we are Gwar. Plus, if I tore your arms and legs off, you would look like a snowman.

Battlestations sounds pretty cool. But if it looks stupid, jr0n will beat you. Well that is what he told me this weekend. I would really like to bust out some ASL and Twilight. Also looking forward to some RPG action in the form of Vault of the Iron Stains. Sweet. And as always, looking for some good old Warmachine. Looks like both jr0n and I are in for some Dave Defeat jack on jack off combat fuck.

Camturducken: A boneless chicken stuffed in a boneless duck stuffed in a boneless turkey which is in turned stuffed in a camals ass. Dee-lish.
