
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Actually, it wasn't a legalization, it was a decriminalization of possession of a small amount of pot. There's a HUGE difference between the two. And, I happen to agree with you about the legalization of drugs. If they legalized the production and sale of drugs, it would take the black market profit out of the process, improve overall safety and create a tax revenue stream to pay for rehab/education. Plus, it would take at least 60% of our prison population off the tax dole. Of course, tinfoil hat guy says.. why do you think the government WANTS to keep drugs in the black market? Their off-the-books activities make rediculous money playing that game. See: Afghanistan, world's largest producer of opium.


edit: I thought it was funny, Eric.

edit-edit: It is a bit weird to see little-kid-me talking about adult-speak topics. LOL.

Borat-edit: From what little I've seen of this 'bit', I don't find it convincing in the slightest, which kind of kills the gag for me. The dude looks like he's stuck somewhere between Jerry Seinfeld and Balki. I dunno.

Click-edit: I wanted to see this movie so badly.. and now I understand why it bombed in the box office. SO FUCKING BAD. Gah.

Marie-Antoinette (remix edit): On the flip side, I didn't really want to see this movie, went anyway, and wound up thinking it was very well done. It's definately only for someone who enjoys artsy character-study films, however. If you enjoyed Lost in Translation, then this movie may be for you.