
Monday, October 30, 2006

Steve reholstered his piece; the other cops separated. Rudy looked down at the keyboard, felt his knees buckle and made like a criminologist so he wouldn't pass out or vomit.

Day 1 LAPD - pretty cool! Get my own desk and pseudo-cubicle, so should be something fun and new. Easy. Very easy. Boring? Oh yes, but that's alright if the money rolls in like I desperately need it to.

Awwww wiley is a funny little guy! :) Maybe you spawned the anti-nerd and he's laughing in disgust at the d20... or not!

PS Elrock look for a new BBC show called Torchwood, its a spinoff from the new Doctor Who. Haven't actually seen it yet, but I'll prolly grab the 1st 3 episodes soon as I finish 2nd season of Doctor? Maybe it sucks, maybe not.!?