
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

News and Notes

Mykenloft: I think you need some php or cgi script, of which I have little to no knowledge about how to do. Me thinks a small SQL database, with user (professor) information would be a breeze to throw together, if you know how, and then a site that uses php snippets to update the hours based on the info that is in the database. Then a small form with a username/password field and times fields would be all the profs need to fill out and submit. I know we have the technology, I have no idea how to use it.

Also Mykenloft, and any other people into the greatest computer game ever: Close Combat returns!

Ryan: The Gallagher brother are probably punching each other. Twits. Hilarious! Interesting tune though. Not a fan of any of the songs, except for the Aerosmith one, strangely, but am always interested in some musical mix-mashing.

jr0n: You will never find the D&D mini's because IIRC, you left them with me! I think they are intermingled with my old mini's, but I think I put white dots on mine, until I bought a few more packs with Denis and mixed em all up. And then put them in storage somewhere. I can try to dig them out if you want, but no promises!

Others: Rudy and I have been playing some ASL! Hooray! I think Rudy likes it, and said himself it is not that hard of a game. Sure, we are playing the first scenario in the starter kit, but still, good fundamentals makes the rest a 'breeze' to learn!

- Also, TICHU! Tichu is a rad partnership card game that plays a little like Gang of Four, but then takes a turn into the radicool. Fun! So far, after beating the duo of Leslie and Heather the first game ever, I and my partners of Ryan and Rudy have been trounced the following two games quite soundly. I look forward to playing under the influence at GenCon!

- I am SERIOUSLY thinking about an ASL podcast documenting the journey to becoming a full ASL player. Scenario breakdowns, tactics learned, what rules I had to look up, news, etc. Seriously!

- Oh shit! I have an AMD! And I totally own like 20 copies of 2600, so you KNOW I am teh l33t h4x0rz.

- GenCon cometh!

- ASL!