
Friday, October 06, 2006

I made a youtube (u2b) video!
Research Lab 0976!

Haha! Yes, I was bored tonight! So I found the windows movie maker on my computer and went to work! The idea was to make like a video-blog but it would be like I was off on some distant planet working at a lab, and these would be letters home. So i busted open notepad to start writing this masterpiece, and wow - writing is kinda tuff! :) So instead I took the stuff I had "madlibed" (wow, it was extra-bad) and just made a kind of opening sequence. If anyone has any ideas for an actual plot/story/reason for this, lemme know! ( I just watched it again and its just me sitting there smoking - embarassing. OH WELL - give me story hooks! Like I get attacked by Emphysemazorg!)