
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Hey Aeryk, to address your question, personally I like hanging out with kids and enjoy the fun uncle role, so when my other friends started having kids I thought it was cool. In fact, kids have a phenomenal talent for the extreme repetition style of humor so prevalent in the Action Team, although they are far less skilled at earning Humanity Points. They are also good for entertainment when your adult friends are silent, largely because raising kids has exhausted them beyond numbness.

I do think that when you have kids it is a lot harder to bestir yourself to do anything social and easier to make excuses not to go out, which is bad, because if you consistently make excuses to not go out then people will stop actively contacting you. Soon you're home schooling your children and eventually, sacrificing yourself and all nine kids to Jesus Christ. I'm not saying that's your situation, but it is something to think about. By the way stay away from the Bible, that shit is fucked up.

I had another really intense busy day, but it was either less intense or I'm just getting used to it. There was one totally awesome part of the day though. An acquaintance at work is interested in picking up the new Days of Wonder game, BattleLore. I told him it was based on Memoir '44 and brought it in to show him, and we ended up playing at lunch in his cube. It was incredibly relaxing actually. I think we'll do the airdrop mission tomorrrow or Friday. Another relaxing thing to do at work might be to get a happy ending massage.