
Friday, October 13, 2006

Cool Man

Mike: Good to hear from you after a good 4 months of absence! Thanks for the kind words for Leslie and I, and I hope you can make it through another hectic/insanity period in your life. Someday, in the not so distant future, I also hope you can kick your shoes off, settle back in a comfy chair, pour a nice Guinness cascade, and exhale. It's coming, when and where we don't know, but that day is coming!

All of The Action Team: If there were to be an AT podcast, what would be some segments that you would want from the greatest podcast ever? Some ideas I drummed up last night were:

"Thrill of Victory, Agony of Defeat" - Describe a game session where you achieved terrific victory, or had your ass handed to you on a plate, and how it all transpired.

"Coach's Corner" - Breakdown and dicussion of strategies and strategems for your favorite games.

And then the standard reviews, news, notes, and session reports that every podcast does to a small degree. Ideas?

*crickets, crickets*