
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Elzar, I will check that jazz out when I find myself home this evening.

I agree with you on the Strat-con biz. I think a lot of it is that it does not hold the same meaning with out the crew. I also think, based on info I gathered from you jArks' recent attendances and my last experiences, that strategicon is a shadow of its former self. The con just fell below critical mass in attendance some time ago.

SoCal Con... Elzar does that mean that only the two of us would be attending on Thursday? I mean I would still be willing to throw down on Thursday. It will give us time to stink the shit up before the other jArks arrive. Maybe Dave-Defeat would be about. What say you?

FYI, Myke does not have an i-net connection yet. Probably won't for another week or two. He just got a landline a couple days ago.

Pump : CAKE?


Side note: I have two bosses that I deal with on a regular basis during the day, the GM, and the DM. We common refer to them as such instead of their un-acronym'd titles, District Manager and General Manager. Awesome huh? I also deal with a PM, but that is not interesting. Too bad this is not D&D work. Balls. We need some NPCs at work here. Some people I can kick around and use as fodder and bait.