
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Capitola eh? Is there any progress on the search?

Well, the terrain definitely shouldn't go to waste. The only way I can think of transporting it is throwing it in Motorbyke's car sometime over Turkey Day weekend, or my girlfriend's if we drive down. Other than that, maybe we could work something out for Settlers, Ticket to Ride Europe, and possibly Medieval Madness/Dragon Delta. Not that I have any storage room myself, right now.

I am pumped for the convention as well. I am still trying to figure out which days I will be there... announcement forthcoming. Definitely be there for Friday night/Saturday/dregs of Sunday though. Aaron have you bought your return ticket yet? We should discuss. Also are you going Motorbyke?

Anyway my "want to play" list is short and sweet:
Warmachine (esp. against Dave Defeat, if he's there)
D&D, or a variant -- might sneak in Savage Worlds or Castles & Crusades instead -- but definitely some fantasy role-playing. I have an adventure all set to run so I say we do that on Saturday if people are interested.