
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

They just announced the first GenCon Australia for 2008. How awesome would THAT be to go to? (Answer: highly awesome.) Hmm. The ladyfriend and I talk about going to Australia again all the time, maybe July 2008 is the year. Also it's in Brisbane, which is a fairly unremarkable city except for the fact that I spent a lot of time there when I was 12 and thus it has a strong nostalgic pull for me. As I recall they have this one awesome mall.

it's over for me the Watcher in Darkness comes eyes of flame enormous wings terrible

This is a highly amusing prank pulled on a Nigerian scammer.

Eh, guess it's time to go to work. Summer has finally come to the Sunset District, by which I mean, it's foggy and damp and I have to wear my heavy jacket. It's strangely comforting.