
Friday, August 04, 2006

"Tens of thousands of people die in traffic accidents each year, but we don't ban cars. Dogs are simply easy to persecute," said one unsigned posting on Xinhua's electronic bulletin board."

what an idiotic argument - Theres way more cars than dogs and if you get rid of all the drunks, drug users and teenage drivers, we'd have much less accidents.

Fucking dog lovers. Sorry dude! We can kill birds, We can kill cows, chicken, rats and everything else we hate. But no! we can't kill dogs according to these damn environmentals.

I'm not against humanity towards animals, I'm not for pro dogslaughter. But to justify it by setting double standards of which animals we can and cannot be humanely killed is a self defeating proposition.

Save the Furbolgs! being cruelly slaughtered daily on Wow!