
Thursday, August 24, 2006


I had forgotten about how sweet Supernova's Hair is. The drummer's is particularly awesome in that video. What a bunch of goofs. Great stuff.

Okay I think I agree with Jon. Yeah the people in that video are pretty lame, but not hate lame. Mostly just, "geez that's bad" lame. The way Rude Dog built it up I was seriously expecting something evil like 'Racist Faces' fuck fest or something.

Elzar, there are a couple of fine games I would be interested in purchizing from you. Perhaps a little trade for s3xual services performed? I figure I will give you the honor of playing my skin flute for each game I take off your hands. Rude, don't tell anyone though. I dont want Elzar to be arrested for soliciting services. He is too tender for jail time throat-nostril raping. Seriously, I will post a list later.

The WoW CCG was pretty popular @ GenCon Indy. I still am glad I have avoided the World of WarCrack. At least David only infrequently tries to tell me random WoW anecdotes anymore.
