
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Man, I'm bummed to not be at GenCon. Not sure why, but following it on my gamer websites is making me sad. Let's go next year!

On the plus side, I am officially shackin' up with my ladyfriend in a month and a half, so hooray that! Let's all go look at the puff dragon tattoo in celebration! (I warn you again: NSFW.)

No board games lately Aeryk? Did the grim spectre of gaming with me kill your love of boardgames again? Shit, that would suck. I've been thinking about giving HeroScape another shot. It's mellow enough that my gf might enjoy it. Plus the bits are so cool. I've got a neat bridge and forest that I've never used, and the new castle set is pretty slick too. Of course I do have a metal miniature hobby that is better-looking, more fun to play, and coming out with a major expansion this month. You know what would be awesome? If I could have 15 more hours in a day. That, and a pony.