
Sunday, August 06, 2006

Man, all week I've been trying to think of a funny comment about all the great confessions, but I aint got SHIT! :(

Pro-Dogslaughter was really good too!

That vader thing was awesome - check out the "Chad Vader" youtube that's listed on that other video. Fuckin hilarious.

Wish me luck! Tuesday is the big day of reckoning and dog-slaughter!!!

Oh art, you were big into Something Awful (guess we all were.) In EveOnline there's a corp/alliance made up of their forum memembers called GoonSquad and they joined not too far back in mass (like almost 3000 of them) and are causing all kinds of havok to the eve-verse. Funny shit. All the old-timers are trying to destroy them and get them out of the game, it's funny. Eve is totally an "old-boys" network and so all these ppl who've been in the game for 3 years with tons of money and skill points feel all threatened. Bunch of pricks. So the goons come in and just fuckin ZERG the hell out of the enemy in cheap starter ships. They've basically been war-decced by most of the top alliances, so it's pretty chaotic. I'm rootin for the goons of course. pages and pages and pages of drama!! God, I love online games. :)